Saba Z Husain
Saba Z Husain has published poetry in Cimarron Review, Barrow Street, Sequestrum, Bellevue Review, Bangalore Review, Texas Review, Reunion: Dallas Review, Natural Bridge, Glass Poetry, Jaggery, Synkroniciti, Equinox, Missing Slate, Houston Chronicle, Southern Poetry Review, Vol. VIII: Texas, Kill Line: Anklebiters Press, Enchantment of the Ordinary: Mutabilis Press, Odes and Elegies of the Texas Gulf Coast: Lamar University Press and elsewhere. She received the 2014 Lorene Pouncey Poetry Award at Houston Poetry Fest and was a finalist for the New Letters Poetry Prize. Her manuscript was in the finalist for the 2021 and 2020 X.J. Kennedy Poetry Prize, and semifinalist for the 2020 Philip Levine Poetry Prize. Saba joined the board of Mutabilis Press in the fall of 2019. She studied Creative Writing at University of Houston.